
About the Club

Meet the Trustees

Upcoming Events


Hello and welcome to the Switchyards Ping Pong club. We are an all inclusive ping pong club located in downtown Atlanta. Unless you are a member of the Atlanta Technology Village. Then we will probably challenge you to a match to the death!

Our rules are:

  1. Start each game with P.I.N.G
  2. Swearing is encouraged
  3. Winner stays
  4. Play to 21; win by 2
  5. Serve for 5 points and switch
  6. If the ball goes on the street, you owe the house $1
  7. No drinks allowed on the table (unless it’s cheap bourbon)
  8. After each game, make eye contact, shake hands, and say “good game”
Please click the links to over there to learn more about us!
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